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Title: 磁力研磨加工特性與靈敏度之分析
The characteristics of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing and Sensitivity Analysis
Authors: 江昇翰
Contributors: 精密機械與製造科技研究所
Keywords: 磁力研磨
Date: 2011-07
Issue Date: 2013-11-19T07:46:34Z
Abstract: 磁力研磨(MAF)配合不同主軸轉速、刀具與材料間隙、進給速率與不同磁力磨料尺寸等條件下,利用磁場能量吸附磨料進行研磨加工,尤其對於管之內孔與夾縫溝槽等不規則形狀,可除去工件毛邊、拋光洗淨等功能,提高工件精度且不損傷表面,具有大量加工、快速又精密的優點。本論文主要針對設計以永久磁鐵之平面刀具進行製造與改良,得以控制磁場強度範圍內形成磁力束、刷用以吸附磨料,提高與工件研磨接觸機會,進一步改善表面粗糙度與降低磨料損失率。本文實驗首先以磁力棒刀具吸附帶磁性研磨顆粒,搭配不同材質磨料與工件配合磁場強度與轉速的相對關係,觀察磨料顆粒加工使用量的磁場和磨料的移動變化,獲得磨料加工製程效益與消耗程度,使用反應曲面法(RSM)設計實驗規劃,配合中央合成設計(CCD)進行參數配置排程,及應用變異數分析進行二階數學模式預測,根據實驗數據進行迴歸分析觀察預測範圍內的各種參數影響,比較實驗的實際值和變異數分析的預測值,獲取差異性在5%內的反應方程式,利用靈敏度分析數學模式研究原始參數條件的穩定性,求得最佳化參數設定。由實驗結果得知,磁力研磨料使用量的多寡,隨著磨料配重降低而表面粗糙度值與磨料損失也相對下降。鋁合金(使用不鏽鋼材質磨料)和壓克力(使用氧化鐵奈米材質混和樹脂磨料)的實驗值非常接近預測的結果。本論文提供CNC綜合加工機刀具夾持製程與研究參數條件設定,建立基本的實驗數據資料庫,以供業界參考。
Magnetic abrasive finishing is process of abrasive machining conditions, by using magnetic field energy and abrasives on different such as spindle speed, feed rate, abrasive size and the gap between tool and workpiece etc. Magnetic abrasive finishing can effectively remove burrs and increase surface finish, especially suited for the inner hole and groove. Magnetic abrasive finishing not only provides workpiece with high machining accuracy and minimal surface damage, but also has the advantages of mass production and speed. This paper integrates machine center cutting process and magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) producing a combined process that improves the magnetic abrasive loss rate (MALR) and surface roughness (SR) of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with ladder shape of different height. The present study shows the features of the development with mathematical model based on response surface methodology (RSM) for correlating the interactive and second order influences of major machining parameters such as different size and shape abrasive of stainless, spindle speed, tool and workpiece gap, feed speed, respectively. The experiments design, regression analysis and analysis of variance are used to develop the relationships between process parameters (abrasive size, spindle speed, tool and workpiece gap, feed speed) and responses (MALR and SR) in MAF process. Sensitivity analysis has also been carried out using developed empirical equations. The results shows that developed mathematical models can be applied to estimate the effectiveness of process parameters for MALR and SR with a change of spindle speed affects the MALR more strongly than SR relatively compare to other parameters.
Description: 指導教授:張浮明
Appears in Collections:[Department of Mechanical Engineering & Graduate Institute of Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology] Theses and Dissertations

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